Saturday, February 18, 2012


Recently I have being thinking a lot about Christ living within me and what that means as I go about each day.  Wherever I am and whatever I am doing I want to be able to let the Anointed One within me come forth and touch those I meet each day. 

 Here is a little prayer I wrote:

More of You and less of me…Divine Seed exert thy might
Come forth thou mighty Christ in me,
That others may see You and not see me
Light burst forth from within
Enlighten the darkness all around me
River of God flow out from me
Refresh all those in need

More of You and less of me….Divine Seed exert they might
Fruit of the Spirit from within, to the world be made known
Anointed One empower me to be Your hand extended
An instrument through which Your healing power and deliverance flow
For greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world
Not by might, nor by power, but by Thy Spirit
Shall each mountain be removed, every hindrance must go

More of You and less of me…Divine Seed exert thy might