Saturday, July 12, 2014

Promises of God

I love rainbows. They always remind me of God's covenant and God's promises to me.  Whenever the conditions seem right to see a rainbow I am out with my camera looking for one.  Two night ago I wasn't looking for one and there it was.  I was out for a walk and on the way back home I looked up and there was a rainbow. Actually the entire rainbow was not visible. Both ends could be seen.  The middle section was obscured by clouds.  Even sections of the ends that could be seen were covered by clouds at times.  The portion that  could be seen would get more distinct and then it would fade.  I would head back toward the apartment and then the colors would get more vivid again.

As I thought about it, I thought what I was seeing in the rainbow is much like the promises of God to us.  No matter whether we see them in their fullness or whether they are partially covered and hid from us, they are still there.  No matter how clear and vivid they are to us at the present time or whether the promise seems to be fading unfulfilled, it is still there.  God's promises never fail. He is faithful.  What He has promised He will do.  Be encouraged!  Our God is a faithful, promise keeping, covenant keeping God!!