Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Release My Sound

 I hear a roar and see a lion roaring….I hear “The Lord is roaring out of His holy temple….I see Him roaring from within a person…then I hear Him say “ My sound will push back the enemy. My roar will set people free….learn to release My roar…the frequency of heaven is in My roar.  It will bring things into heavenly kingdom alignment…. Yes the sound of the shofar as you blow it…but also releasing my sound from within:   a tune, a hum, a song, a cry, there are many possibilities….just do it in the way I instruct/lead you…You will see and you will be amazed by what is released when My sound is released.  Angels respond to My sound. Creation responds to My sound. The spirit of man responds to My sound.”

 Song of Songs 2:14 TPT

O my dove, in the clefts of the rock
in the crannies of the cliff.
let me see your face,
let me hear your voice,
for your voice is sweet, 
and your face is lovely.

"Voice" can also be translated "sound".

Monday, July 17, 2023

Roots Sent Deep

 In a vision I saw roots being sent down and growing downward into the ground. As they extended downward, eventually they tapped into hidden rivers that were running deep underground.  There were rivers of revelation of the mysteries of God.  And there were rivers of the revelation of the depths of the love of God.  I had the sense that neither of these types of rivers are easily accessed, but are available to those who will persevere.  They are available to those who will press to send their roots deep to find these rivers.  As they draw the revelation from these rivers into their lives, they will be greatly enriched and will bear much good fruit in the kingdom of God.