Friday, November 6, 2009

Nehemiah-Prayer and Spiritual Warfare

I know I have written quite a bit about the spiritual war we are in. I have done it because it is a constant battle. As long as we are on this earth that battle will continue. Satan is called "the enemy of our souls" by many because that is exactly what he is. His greatest desire is to see each one of us fail to continue in our walk with the Lord God Jehovah. He comes to "steal, kill, and destroy."

Recently I led the Tuesday evening Bible study while our pastor was in Ghana, West Africa. During those three weeks we looked at a few chapters in the book of Nehemiah. Primarily we looked at the constant war with the enemies of Israel and of Nehemiah as God's servant. For at least the next couple of posts I would like to take a look at some of that here as well.

One of the key things about Nehemiah is the fact that he was a man of prayer. We see in the first chapter of the book of Nehemiah, that when he received the news about the deplorable condition of Jerusalem and the Jewish people in his homeland, the first thing he did was pray.

Prayer is so important to spiritual warfare. Ephesians 6 is where Paul tells us to take on the armor of God. Right after he tells us to take up "the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God." (verse 17) He says: "Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints." (verse. 18)

That is the part that is often left out when looking at the armor of God.

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