Friday, January 29, 2010

Being Moved By Compassion

Recently at Tuesday night Bible study we were looking at what we call the "Parable of the Good Samaritan", found in Luke 10:25-42. In the parable there is a man that has been robbed and beaten and left by the road to die. A priest came by and walked right past the guy. A Levite came by and also walked right past. Both of these men would have been considered Jewish religious leaders, but they did nothing. A Samaritan, a man of a race despised by the Jews, came by and ministered to the man's wounds, put the man on his donkey, took him to an inn, and left money for the man to be cared for.

As we read it this time I noticed, perhaps for the first time, the Samaritan, "felt" compassion when he saw the man. (vs. 33) That is what moved him to action.

We see in scripture that Jesus was moved to action by compassion time and again. The following are just a few of the scripture references in which you will find this: Matthew 9:36; 14:14; 15:32; 20:34

I tend to believe that real ministry only flows from a heart of love. Although love and compassion are somewhat different. I don't think we can have compassion without having love.

I wonder how often I am more like the religious leaders and fail to let the Lord's compassion fill my heart and move me to action. I want to be like Jesus. If I am going to be like Jesus I will need to be moved with compassion.

God I need you to fill my heart with your love so I can be moved with compassion.

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