Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Prayer Focus-Japan

Several weeks ago I said I was going to make Saturday "Prayer Focus" posts, which I have not done. But I will do "Prayer Focus" posts from time to time. I believe prayer is incredibly powerful and can change nations.

As we all know there has been an ongoing crisis in the nation of Japan due to the earthquake and the tsunami and nuclear crisis that ensued as a result. Ongoing prayer for the Japanese people is needed in the midst of this for their physical/natural needs. This is also a time to increase our prayer focus for the spiritual needs of the people of Japan.

As I watched reports from Japan often reports referred to the people's Buddhist and Shinto faith. There was no mention of Christians or churches. That is probably because Japan is only about 1 percent Christian. To me that is a staggeringly low number when you consider that China is believed to be at least 7 percent Christian.

Historically the Japanese have not been open to Christianity. When I was in Okinawa, Japan in 1985-86, a Japanese friend told me that Christianity was an American religion and she did not want anything to do with it. I have known missionaries who have worked there for many years with very few converts. This crisis may be the very thing thing that will cause the people of Japan to open their hearts the Lord Jesus Christ.

In the blog list on the right you can click on the blog of a couple that are ministering in Japan. (Step Into Japan With Us!) You can read first hand reports. You can also check out info about their ministry and about the nation of Japan. Here is a link to a page that gives good info about the country:

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