Saturday, December 1, 2012


We have all heard the phrase “you are what you eat.”  If we eat a healthy diet we will be healthy and if not, we won’t. This applies both in the natural and the spiritual.

Sometimes I have thought it was not fair that certain people could eat as much as they want and not gain weight.  Or that some people can eat a very unhealthy diet and yet not seem to suffer the consequences.  Yet it seems that if I even look at something sweet I gain weight. Or if I am not careful about my diet I soon suffer the consequence of increased pain or an acidy stomach. No matter what it seems like now, there are consequences, if not immediately, there are long term consequences in relation to what we take in.

The same is true of our spiritual man.  Daniel and his friends chose not to partake of the foods of the Babylonians that were offered to them.  They chose not to defile themselves with those foods. (Daniel 1:8-20)   The result was that they were ten times wiser than the others.  John the Baptist was in the wilderness eating locusts and wild honey, certainly not the normal diet of the day. (Matthew 3:4; Mark 1:6) Although this refers to their natural diet, I believe it is an indication of their spiritual diet as well. 

Ezekiel and John were both admonished to eat the book. (Ezekiel 2:8-3:3; Revelation 10:8-11) I believe God is saying the same thing to us today, “eat the book.”  That is, do not just read the book (Bible) but take it in. Meditate upon it. Let it become part of you.  As it was for both Ezekiel and John it will certainly cause a certain amount of discomfort at times, but the long term affects will be glorious. 

Jesus told his disciples to eat His flesh and drink His blood.  This caused a great many to walk away from Him. (John 6:51-69)  Jesus is asking us today to partake of Him as well.  It may be offensive, but as Peter stated only Jesus has the Words of Life.  We partake regularly of the bread (His body) and the wine (His blood).  As we do we are remembering His death and ultimately His resurrection.  We are partaking of Him who is life.  In Jesus is life.  The life is in the blood.  Jesus is the bread of life.  Partaking of Jesus consistently will have a glorious result in that day when we stand before Him. 

So I ask, What are you eating?


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