Thursday, April 11, 2013

Governed From Within

Our King has given laws for living within this world that He created. These are laws for the proper governing of this creation.  It is kind of like an owner’s manual of how to best function within this creation.  The boundaries laid out within it are for our protection.  Just like a loving parent lays out boundaries for the children they love for the protection of the children.  In religion these laws are hard to keep because they are legislated from without.  But when we are in relationship with Christ, He now lives inside of us and the ability to keep the law is within us in the person of Christ, who is the governor or the law giver. 

The man Christ Jesus kept all the law when He walked the earth.  He also simplified it to two basic commandments, 1) love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength 2) love your neighbor as yourself.   In and of ourselves we are unable to do this.  The enabling comes through Jesus Christ who lives within us as we submit to His government.

 Romans 8:2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.

The government of God is exercised from within by the Spirit rather than from without. Government from without is legalism and it has never worked.  Legalism can only ever lead to more sin and ultimately to death.   God wants us to function by the Spirit who resides within us as Christians.  Only a life lived through Christ’s life giving Spirit governing our lives from within produces life. 

When Jesus rules within us we then keep the law.  It is a keeping of the law from within, rather than try to put it on without.  The enablement to live the law comes from Christ within as we submit to His government. 

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