Saturday, May 7, 2016

Key To The Cage

A year or two ago while praying for someone, I saw a bird on a perch inside a locked cage. The bird had a key in its mouth.  It was the key that would unlock the cage and allow the bird to go free.

Often we have the key to our own freedom and we don't even know we have it.  Sometimes we may know we have it but we may choose not to use it.  Maybe we don't know quite how to use it.  Perhaps we are even afraid to use it, because of the unknown on the other side of that door and/or because we have become so used to and comfortable in our cage.

God has given us the key so we can be free to become all that He ordained us to be.

Jesus has purchased our liberty.  He has made the way for us to be free.  He whom the Son sets free is free indeed.  The Truth will set you free.

Often the key is the confession of our own mouth.  Perhaps in repentance.  Perhaps in declaration of the Word in agreement with what God has said about our life or situation.  It can be any number of things.

Maybe you feel stuck in a cage.  Ask God about the key to get free today.

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