Saturday, June 4, 2016

A New Day, A New Identity, A New Walk (Part 2)

In the midst of wrestling with God, when asked what his name was Jacob had to admit that he was Jacob.  He was a deceiver, a swindler, a schemer.  (Genesis 32:22-32)

Being a deceiver, a swindler, a schemer, was a family trait.  Jacob's mother, Rebekah, helped him deceive his father to receive the blessing. (Genesis 27:5-17)  After that Jacob went to live with his uncle Laban, who deceived him by giving him Leah when he had served for seven years for Rachel. (Genesis 29:20-27)  Then Laban schemed over and over changing Jacob's wages time and again. (Genesis 31:4-7)  As Jacob was heading back to his homeland with his family and goods, his wife Rachel, Laban's daughter, deceived her father concerning the idols she had stolen. (Genesis 31:30-35)

We see that this was a family trait and it needed to go.  We may say "this is just the way I am" or "that is just the way my family is."  But if it is a character trait that is not honoring to God it must go. 

By asking Jacob to admit who had been, I believe God was putting His finger on that thing in his life at that time so it could be dealt with.  In the wrestling encounter, I believe God wanted to get at that core issue in the life and family line of Jacob.  That day when Jacob confessed who he had been God gave him a new name, a new identity.  Jacob was now Israel, which God had always intended him to be.  It probably took a little while to not think or act in the same way he always had.  Sometimes it takes a little bit to walk into the fullness of our new identity. 

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