Friday, March 10, 2017

Gideon and the Harvest

God has been talking to me about Gideon protecting the harvest in the wine press. 

Leading up  to the account of Gideon in the book of Judges we see that the enemy was constantly attacking and stealing the harvest. They were vulnerable to attack because they had failed to obey God's word to them.  As the people cried out to God for deliverance, once again, He heard and raised up a leader by the name of Gideon to lead them out of the current situation. (Judges 6)

Gideon was hiding in the wine press in order to protect the harvest that had been brought in.  We often think of Gideon being a coward in hiding, when in reality he was doing whatever was necessary to preserve the harvest from the enemy.  Perhaps his concern for the harvest and willingness to do whatever it took to preserve it was the reason God called him. 

God called Gideon out to take down the false gods in Israel so that the enemy could no longer steal their harvest.  He needed to remove the idols of the false gods.  By removing the idols he was breaking the agreement with the powers of darkness that empowered the enemy to continually attack and steal their fruitfulness and sustenance. 

Then Gideon was used of God to raise up a small army of 300 to deal with the enemy forces.  It was a small army by God's design.  It was an army of men chosen by God.  All those operating in fear were sent home.  And the remaining ones were chosen out from the rest by a simple test.

God said to me "I am raising up an army in your region who are breaking their agreements with darkness and will send the enemy running.  This army will bind the powers of darkness through agreement with Me so there can be a great harvest. The enemy will no longer be able to steal the harvest.  Many will be freed from enemy oppression.  Keep marching forward.  Don't be concerned with the size of the army more will be added.  It is the quality of commitment that is important. " (I don't believe this only applies here.)