Monday, April 9, 2018

The Coming Harvest

There is a coming harvest in the days ahead.  I have shared previously about seeing a huge field of grain that went as far as you could see.  God told me we would need new updated equipment for this harvest.  

There will be a need for all hands on deck for the coming harvest.  I think of when the nets were so full that the fisherman had to call for help from boats nearby.  (Luke 5:5-7)  They needed to work together. I don’t believe that was the first time they worked together to bring the nets in. Now is the time to learn to work together within ministries and between ministries. Now is the time of preparation. We need to learn to work together as one body.  It is not about our individual ministries and who can out do who.  There is no place for competition.  It is time for a unified work in which only Jesus gets the glory for what is accomplished.  For it is really His work and we are co-laborers with Him to bring in His harvest. 

Recently I have been thinking quite a bit about a dream a friend of mine had about 20 years ago as we prayed for revival.  She saw this huge wave come in and drop a very large amount of fish on the shore.  The sad part was that the fish just laid on the shore and rotted.  There was no one to do anything with them.  The Lord was telling us that we needed to prepare for the harvest of smelly fish that would be coming in. We needed to be ready to minister to the needs of the vast harvest that would be coming.

Some may say, “Yes, we have been praying and believing for a harvest for many years and decades, and where is it??” A few years back I was asking God about the coming harvest and the fact that it has often seemed like we were on the edge of something and then it receded.   God caused me to know that it was like when the tide is coming in each wave comes up a little further on the shore until the full tide comes in.  I believe we will soon see the full tide come in and we need to be ready. Actually, I think the waves that have been coming in were for the purpose of preparing us, if we would embrace what the Lord brought in with that wave. 

We must continue to look to God and prepare for the coming harvest. We must patiently and diligently continue to seek God.  God is looking for prepared people in prepared storehouses to receive the coming harvest.  Will you submit to the preparation of the Lord in order to receive the coming harvest?  

(I share about this at the beginning of this video.)

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