Thursday, July 19, 2018

Things Aren't Always What They Seem To Be


A couple years ago as I was finishing up my doctorate, God told me someone was going to provide for me to go away for a week or so to work on writing my thesis. Some months later a friend offered for me to come to her house and stay in the upstairs apartment that was going to be empty for the week.  (When she offered that to me she did not know what God had spoken to me.)  So I made plans to go.

About a week before I was supposed to go, my computer developed a severe problem and I was unable to use it.  I took to the store where I had bought it.  After some diagnostics the verdict was that it had to be sent back to the manufacturer to be fixed.  I was not happy.  In just a few days I was to be leaving to go to NH to write and needed my computer.  But it was unusable and was sent off to the manufacturer. It was going to take some time to get fixed.

I decided to go to NH anyway, I wasn't going to take a week off from writing.  I would just write the old fashioned way with pen and paper if necessary.  When I got to NH, my friend loaned me her laptop to use since she had access to another one.  I was very thankful for the use of the laptop.

So I started to work.  But it wasn't long until I was a bit frustrated. Although I could find the Scriptures and some of the other things I needed on the internet, it wasn't as easy to find or use as the Bible software that I had on my computer.  With the Bible software I have I can get to scriptures and other info really fast. And can copy and paste into my document easily.  It even puts  the footnote in for me. That wasn't the case with what was available on the internet. It was difficult and time consuming.

At the end of the first day I began to wonder if perhaps I could load my Bible software onto my friend's computer for the week.  So I called the software company and asked.  Much to my surprise, they said, "Yes,"  and told me how to download it on to the computer.  It made my work so much easier.

When my computer stopped working I thought it was the absolute worst time for that to happen.  But it turned out to be the best time for it to happen.  Had I not been going to NH for that period of time I would have been at home without a computer to write or the Bible software to use.  God's provision of a place, a computer, and favor with the software company made it all perfect. It wasn't at all what it seemed to be at first.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Only He can orchestrate so many details and have them happen just so. We just need to trust and obey.