Monday, September 2, 2019


While thinking about humility, I was considering false humility and pride as being in the ditch or gutter on either side of true humility.  As I contemplated what real humility looks like, I felt like God told me that we have little understanding of what real humility looks like.  He indicated that even our dictionary definitions of many concepts are not exactly how He sees them. 

Sometime ago I was before the Lord and declaring God You are always patient, You are always good, You are always kind, etc. As a I said You are always kind, I began to think of some situations in which Jesus' actions would not fit my definition of kind.  For example, when He drove the money changers out of the temple, the things He said to the Scribes and Pharisees, or letting the rich young ruler just walk away.  I heard the Lord say, "you don't understand My kindness." 

I think there are many words and concepts that we have a little distorted because of running them through our own grids of understanding or because of how they have been traditionally defined.  

Do I have answers yet?  No.  But I am in search of God's heart and an understanding of how He defines these terms and many others.

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