Friday, February 19, 2021

Don’t Abandon Ship

I saw myself with Yeshua, as a Lion, walking down a sunny beach. I could hear the waves coming in.  As I looked to my left I saw sand dunes.  When I looked up I saw what looked like a kite coming over the sand dunes.  Initially it looked red. Then I saw that it had some yellow on it and was more like a flame of fire.  It broke loose and flew out over the ocean to a ship that was near the shore.  It set the ship on fire. 

 It was a good fire.  As the fire began to burn on the ship, many people jumped overboard.  But many other people stayed on the ship and embraced the fire, letting it purify them until they were transformed to look like pure white light. 

I heard the Lord say, "Don't abandon ship in the coming outpouring of the fire of My Spirit."

 In the coming outpouring of the fire of the Holy Spirit, many will abandon ship.  But others will embrace the fire and be transformed.  As the fire of God falls don’t abandon the ship embrace the purifying, transforming fire.  

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