Monday, March 21, 2022

Heart Connection

Repost from March 5, 2016

About a year ago, one day while I was at the piano worshiping the Lord, He began to speak the following to me:

"O my child come and sit with me a while.  I am so lonely in the depths of my heart, come and sit with me a while that I might share my heart. Many will have a surface relationship with Me.  But few will share My heart. My bride will share my heart.  Many run here and there to try to find Me.  And many will even pray, but few will share my heart. Come and be with Me, My child, and I will share My heart with you."

I believe that cry in God's heart is for each one of us. With the billions of people in the earth, God is lonely for a heart to heart relationship with each one. I believe there is a special slot/spot in God's heart carved out for each one.  And when that slot/spot is filled it brings satisfaction to God's heart. The deepest satisfaction comes when there is a real heart to heart connection.

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