Thursday, August 18, 2011

Am I My Brother's Keeper?

In Gen. 4:9, Cain asked “Am I my brother’s keeper?” This was asked after killing his brother because of jealousy. For this sin against his brother he was cursed, his ability for fruitful farming removed, and he was sentenced to a life of being a fugitive and vagabond (Gen. 4:12). This act of not being his brother's keeper was very costly.

The word used here for “keeper” (Hebrew shamar ) means “to guard, to protect, to attend, or to regard.”  As a Christian I believe I am my brother’s keeper in exactly all those ways.  I am responsible before God for how I treat both my natural and spiritual brothers.  I can be his keeper by praying for him and ministering to him.  Sometimes that ministry may involve being God’s messenger. Being God’s messenger would mean “speaking the truth in love,”(Eph. 4:15) even when it is difficult or the brother may take offense. Being my brother’s keeper does not involve trying to control his life for him nor am responsible for his actions.  It does not mean trying to be the Holy Spirit in my brother’s life, but it does mean being obedient to the Holy Spirit.

I believe being my “brother’s keeper” is part of “love thy neighbor as thyself.” (Matt. 22:39, Luke 10:27)  The motivating factor needs to be a heart of love and compassion for my brother, under the leading of the Holy Spirit.  If I do not look out for our brother it can be costly to him and to me.

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