Thursday, May 28, 2015

Glory of God in Herkimer County

In September of 2013, I was at a series of meetings about intercessory prayer.  At one of the meetings we were encouraged to ask God to show us something.   There are two things that I saw that have really impacted me since then.  The first one was a map of Herkimer County, NY, which is the county in which I live.  It was lit up with the glory of God.  It was pure white light.  The borders of the county looked like they were on fire.  I immediately thought of Zechariah 2:5 "For I, saith the LORD, will be unto her a wall of fire round about, and will be the glory in the midst of her."

When I came home from those meetings I went online to try to find more info about this county, to know better how to pray.  The first website I was directed to was the Herkimer County Chamber of Commerce site. This picture was on the home page.

I was quite surprised to see the county in white with rays emanating from it to the rest of the state and beyond.  The location of the county within the state is very interesting as well.  

Even before seeing this picture I began to think about the fact that the county looks like a "key hole." That is of interest because what I saw after the county was a ring of gold keys that were glowing. God said, "He would give me keys to unlock this county and region."

Since that time I have been praying for God's glory to be manifested in Herkimer County and for God to give us keys to see this county and region unlocked.  

I believe the key ring had five keys on it.  Although at times I have thought perhaps it was only three. As prayed I about this several months ago, I would see 3 keys and then 5 keys and God began to speak to me about praying Isaiah 35 over the county. So we have been praying and declaring Isaiah 35 over Herkimer County.

If you live in this area or even if you don't and choose to join us in praying for this region, please feel free.

As a few of us have joined together to pray our theme song has become:

"And the earth shall be filled
With the knowledge of the glory of the Lord
Just like the water covers the sea

Lifting up the standard for the nations
To demonstrate the purpose of His kingdom
His people unashamed to proclaim His name
And the fullness of the Lord fills all in all"

Herkimer County is part of the earth and it shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord!!!!!!

Your kingdom come Your will be done in Herkimer County as it is in heaven!!

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