Thursday, June 4, 2015


A few nights ago I had a vision of a circle of rocking chairs.  They were filled with people busily rocking back and forth and conversing with one another. A new person even came in and pulled up their rocking chair and joined in the fun.

I asked God, "Why am I seeing this? What does this mean?".....The response I heard was, "a lot of activity but going nowhere."  I felt that God was saying much of the church is very busy but not moving forward with God into what He has for us individually or corporately.

Oh  Lord, may we be done with the busyness and get on with Your business. May we stay in step with You moving forward with You day by day, step by step, not lagging behind, not running ahead.  May we not just be content to stay where we are because it is comfortable.  May we not fail to go on because we are afraid of the battles ahead, like the children of Israel who failed to go into the Promised Land because the giants looked too big.  May we not get distracted with the things of this world and fail to move on with  You.

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