Wednesday, September 9, 2009

What Is The Power Source???

Last week I listened to an internet broadcast on which they were talking about reiki, which is used to heal by release of spiritual power through the hands. Sound familiar?

Luke 4:40 Now when the sun was setting, all they that had any sick with divers diseases brought them unto him; and he laid his hands on every one of them, and healed them. (speaking of Jesus Christ)

Mark 6:18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover. (speaking of Christians)

Satan wants to be like God. That is what caused his downfall. He cannot do anything original. But he is great at copying what God does. Satan is a great counterfeiter.

I have encountered reiki on three occasions. Two of the times were in situations where I was receiving treatment on my back--chiropractor and osteopath. Unfortunately at the chiropractor I was not forceful enough in my objections and there was an attempt to perform this on me. I prayed against it as the reiki master tried to release her power and I prayed and renounced it and repented for having let them even attempt. I also prayed for the release from every demon that may have gotten access to me through this. The osteopath tried it without telling me what he was doing, but I recognized it and began to pray against it. Again I prayed later for a complete release from anything demonic, pleading the blood of Jesus over my life

My other encounter with reiki was during a break in a meeting I was at. One of the ladies attending it mentioned that she was trained in reiki. So the leader the meeting was trying to get me to try to let this woman heal me. I refused. She asked if I just did not want to be well. My response was that I wanted to be well, but my problem with reiki was the source of the power behind it. She did not press it any further. I was surprised she did not ask me what I meant.

The source behind reiki is demonic power. Anyone who opens themselves up to this form of healing will also be opening themselves up to demonic spirits. If you have ever opened yourself up to reiki, please renounce it and repent in Jesus name. You may want to ask someone who has an understanding of these things to also pray with you for the full release from any demonic spirits that may have come in through this and for a closing of any open doorways where demonic powers have had access into you.

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