Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Spectators or Participants?

There is a man named Russ Dizdar who ministers a lot to people who have been involved in witchcraft or who have suffered Satanic ritual abuse (SRA). In a recent internet broadcast, he mentioned that a coven leader once said to him that their coven meetings are much different than most of the church meetings. The coven leader said that all the people attending the meetings are fully committed to their cause and that all in attendance are fully engaged in the rituals that they are performing. These rituals are done for the purpose of releasing demonic power into areas, which they call "dirtying the air", or against specific individuals.

Unfortunately this coven leader is probably correct. So often people come to church meetings to fulfill their religious duty. How often have I gone to a church service and only been half- heartedly involved? Or how often have I been to a church meeting that is more of a time of "spectatorship" rather than involvement of the people there in truly meeting with God and the release of His kingdom power into the surrounding area? Oh God, please help us as your church, your bride, to fully embrace your kingdom, to fully be about the business of seeing your kingdom come on this earth. We pray the Lord's Prayer saying, "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven."

(Russ Didizdar's website is http://www.shatterthedarkness.net/
There is a lot there, a lot of programs you can download and listen to. I have learned a lot from Russ in the past year. Please do not be put off by his website. I must admit I was at first because of some of the pictures on it. He does alot of outreach to very demonically bound and deceived people. But there is also much in his teachings that can be learned by the body of Christ. He is teaching and sharing from 30+ years of ministry. The more I listen to him the more respect I have for him. He is sound Biblically in every bit of teaching that I have heard from him. I have also worked my way through his course The Black Awakening and am currently starting through his course titled Confronting the Powers. I highly recommend him and his ministry.)

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