Sunday, June 28, 2015

A New Decree

In the same way that Mordecai refused to bow to the evil Haman, the righteous remnant will stand and not bow to the evil forces at work in the land.  And like Mordecai the righteous remnant will "mourn in sack cloth and ashes" as a result of the evil decree meant to bring destruction to God's people.  Like Mordecai, this people will challenge Esther to arise and petition the king. The result will be those who have perpetrated this evil will be hung upon the same gallows they have built for Mordecai.  And a new decree will be released that enables the people of God to stand and defend themselves against the intended evil.  The result will be great victory for the people of God and His Kingdom.  (In this case I believe Mordecai and Esther can be the same people.)

Since reading of the ruling by the Supreme Court I have felt a great grief and tears rising from deep within for the past couple of days.  Yesterday, while in prayer I began to write what is recorded above.

The spiritual battle we are in just ramped up to a new level.  In this fight we must remember that our fight is not against flesh and blood but against the evil forces at work behind the people functioning in the earth realm. So I do not believe it is prudent to attack the individuals involved in the ruling or those who are rejoicing over it. Our fight is against the evil forces that have deceived these people and have captured them and taken them into bondage.  Yes, some of the fight will manifest in the earth realm, but the real war is won in the spirit realm.  We must petition our King and receive a new decree by which we can stand in victory in the days ahead.

Mourning for the sin of the nation is in order, true repentance and not a pointing of the finger.   Repentance like that of Daniel and Nehemiah (Daniel 9:3-22; Nehemiah 1:4-11) who identified themselves with the sin of their people, as if they had committed the sin themselves.  They were connected to the people who had committed those sins.  So in prayer they repented as if they had been the perpetrators.  They stood in identificational repentance.

2 Chronicles 7:14  If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.