Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I Am A Warrior

Joel 3:10 Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruninghooks into spears: let the weak say, "I am strong." KJV

I want to focus on "let the weak say I am strong." Last night I was reading this in the ESV and it translates this to say "let the weak say I am a warrior." That really ignited something in me. I woke up this morning declaring "I AM A WARRIOR." I am a warrior in the kingdom of God, no matter how weak or puny I feel. "I AM A WARRIOR"

We are in a constant war zone, with entities of the kingdom of darkness all around. But Romans 8:37 says I am more than a conqueror through Christ. The word "conquerors" in that scripture means to "gain a decisive victory." Not just a victory, but a decisive victory.

So not only am I a warrior, but through Christ I have already won a decisive victory.


Donna said...

If I could just keep this in mind- it would save me a whole lot of problems! WARROIR- I really like that.

Debra said...

I am glad you liked that. It really lit something up in me when I read that.

If only we can keep this in mind everyday!!!